Red Couch Theology
There’s only so much we can cover in a Sunday morning gathering! Each week, you’re invited to tune into our podcast, “Red Couch Theology – Sermon Conversations with Alex and Aaron.” We record our podcast live every Thursday at 11am. What can you expect? Pastors Alex, Aaron, and the occasional guest have a casual conversation, diving deeper into ideas related to last Sunday’s teaching. Learn more at
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Well, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. This week on our episode, we're gonna actually cover a lot of ground. We're actually gonna start our episode by answering one last question. Or at least we think one last question from our last series about marriage and about divorce and specifically about abuse in marriage. So we're gonna address that. But then we'll dive into our new series about the Holy Spirit. And let me tell you, Alex created so many questions in this episode about why we struggle with the spirit and why we're not seeing more miraculous things as we saw in the book of Acts and all these kinds of things that I almost wanted to explode. I just, it was such an intriguing conversation to me personally, and I hope it's intriguing to you, and I'm not gonna give you any more than that. You'll have to listen and see where he takes us in this conversation. Let's tune in to this week's episode on The Spirit.
Holy Spirit Activate | Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Well, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology Podcast. This week on our episode, we are finishing up our conversation about relationships, at least for this series. And we have a guest, Andrea Jones, who brought the message on Sunday and will join us for this episode. And I think she just had some tremendous insight into how to cultivate a marriage that has a vision big enough to sustain all of life, even life beyond kids. And so I'm not gonna give you any more than that. We're gonna dive right in and listen to this week's episode. Thanks for tuning in.
A Vision for Your Marriage | Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Well, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. This week, we're continuing our series entitled Between You & Me. And we're talking about marriage and marriage relationships. And this week, we're talking about what about when we throw kids in the mix? You know, marriage is already complicated enough without the kids. But then you throw sleepless nights and kids and their needs and all of that into the mix, and it can be complicated. But we're also talking about the Bible and how we answer questions like this because the Bible doesn't answer this particular question directly. So, what do we do when it comes to our relationships and decisions and all of these kinds of things when the Bible doesn't speak to it directly? We're gonna talk about all of that in this episode, and I've already gone on too long. So let's dive right on in.
Kids vs. Marriage | Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Well, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology Podcast this week. I'm really excited because we have some special guests on our episode because Alex's basement was flooding. And so he's at his house bailing water. You can pray for the guy. But we had Jessica Rust and Teresa De Wit on our episode this week, and we're talking about communication in marriage and in relationships. And I think we had a great conversation. It was so good to get their insight on the subject, and I'm not gonna give you any more than that. We're just gonna tune right in.
Communication in Marriage | Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Well, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. This week we're continuing in our series called Between You and Me about marriage and relationships. And this week, we're talking about divorce; we're talking about covenant and how strong and how committed we are supposed to be in this relationship. Anyway, we also take a few meandering rabbit trails into what is sin, what is holiness, what's purity, and where's the line on all of these issues? And I hope it's a helpful conversation for you without any further ado. Let's dive right in.
Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Well, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. This week, you got a sleepy version of the Red Couch Theology Podcast because we actually prerecorded this episode. You might think that that would mean we're more polished and clear, and actually, it's quite the opposite because I was a little tired this week. Still, we're talking about marriage and relationships and what to look for when you're trying to find someone to get married, and then what do you do when you've already been married? And you're like, oh, no, maybe I chose poorly. We'll talk a little bit about those sorts of things in this week's episode. So, without any further ado, let's tune right in.
Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Well, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. This week we are kicking off a conversation about our newest series called Between You and Me. It's a relationship series, specifically those romantic relationships, marriage, finding someone to marry, and all those things. And this week on our episode, we're actually talking a lot about singleness because, believe it or not, one of the biblical ways you can approach marriage is to just not get married. That's actually one of the options. And so we're gonna talk about the complexity and confusion of that. We're also gonna answer some of your questions that are a little bit less related to singleness but more about when is it ok for a divorce to take place? So without any further ado, let's dive into this week's episode of the new series.
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Well, hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. This week, we are talking about Easter and Resurrection. But the conversation took a turn right around the 25 to 30-minute mark of our conversation. And we talked about some of the challenging parts of the gospel. Gospel means good news; it is good news, and we think it means good news, but there are parts of the gospel that may be hard to stomach. We're gonna talk about that, and if you don't want to get through all our meandering, you can pick up the episode right around that 25 to 30-minute mark and hear about that. But without any further ado, you hear our sometimes meandering conversation about the gospel about resurrection and the good news. Let's tune in.
Easter- Is the Gospel actually Good News? | Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. I'm so glad I finally said our podcast name correctly. In this week's episode, we will talk about quantum physics. We're gonna talk about buying and selling a field, not much about that one, but we're gonna talk about the meaning of life and the challenges in life and how they might connect to the stories we see in scripture and stories in general. So if you're trying to figure out how we're gonna tie quantum physics to narrative arcs to Jeremiah and fields, then this episode is for you; why don't you tune in? And we'll dive in without any anymore preamble?
Is God Still There if the Story is Bad? | Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Well, hello hello, and welcome to another episode of the Red Couch Theology podcast. This week we're dealing with all sorts of fascinating subjects like predestination and election. Yeah, that sounds strange to come out of Jeremiah, but it's one of the questions you all submitted, so we deal with it. And it stems from this weird phrase found in Jeremiah where it says God plans destruction for Israel. So, what do we do? Does God plan our destruction? Anyway, these are the kinds of questions we're gonna be dealing with this in this episode, and I'm not going to belabor the subject anymore here. Let's dive right into this episode.
Is Repentance Enough? | Red Couch Theology
Pastor Alex Walton & Pastor Aaron Bjorklund
South Fellowship Church
Based in Littleton, CO